Civil War Relicman Harry Ridgeway |
Winchester, Virginia
USA (changed hands 70 times in the Civil War!) authentic Civil War relics, bought and sold. |
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Civil War buttons, Relicman sales catalog. page 3 Sale listings page 1 items to B2999, click: Sale listings page 2 items B3000 to B6999, click: Sale listings page 3 this page, items B7000 to B7199, click: Sale listings page 4 items B7200 to end, click: |
B7000... Connecticut school button, Episcopal Academy of Cheshire, "EAC" 1796, three part officer, EXTRA / QUALITY, dm, (14.6mm). School was a Christian school and began a cadet program in 1862 that was short lived. Reference: Albert SU102, Tice CTS281As2. Nondug button. For sale... $75. |
B7001... Massachusetts cadet button, Masschusetts Institute of Technology, three part officer, WATERBURY BUTTON CO, dm, (14.7mm). MIT began a cadet program in 1860's. Reference: Albert SU244, Tice MSS395As1. Nondug button. For sale... $50. |
B7018... Federal artillery button, eagle with "A", SCOVILLS & CO / WATERBURY rmdc, 19mm. Reference: Albert AY74A. Nondug button. For sale... $75. |
B7019... Federal artillery button, eagle with "A", R&W ROBINSON / EXTRA RICH dm, 23mm. Reference: Albert Nondug button. For sale... $100. |
B7020... Federal artillery button, eagle with "A", SCHUYLER H & G / NEW YORK rmdc, 22mm. Reference: Albert Nondug button. For sale... $100. |
B7021... Federal artillery button, eagle with "A", SCHUYLER H & G / NEW YORK rmdc, 22mm. Nondug button. For sale... $100. |
B7023... Federal cavalry button, eagle with "C", "D. EVANS & CO / (star) ATTLEBORO (star) MASS (star)" dm, (22.5mm). Button depicts eagle facing right with "C" in the shield, generally for cavalry officers. Backmark: "D. EVANS & CO / (star) ATTLEBORO (star) MASS (star)" dm, ca 1850's to 1865, (Evans D.100). Two part convex button, large coat size. Button.1.Federal.30.Cavalry.Evans D.100., (22.5mm). Reference: Albert CV1, Tice CV215. Nondug button. For sale... $75. |
B7039... Federal general service button, great coat button, eagle with "US", arrows pointed left, flat two part button, UNITED / STATES, rm, 20mm Reference: Albert GI70B. Nondug button. For sale... $100. |
B7048... Federal officer staff button, eagle with shield, four arrows, three part officer, HORSTMANN & ALLIEN / NY dm, 22mm Reference: Albertt GS13B. Nondug button. For sale... $50. |
B7054... Federal engineer button, eagle with "Essayons", fort and rising sun, HORSTMANN & ALLIEN / NY , rmdc, 22mm Reference: Albert EG6. Nondug button. For sale... $200. |
B7068... New York button, New York State Artillery, National Guard, HORSTMANN BRO & ALLIEN / Y, rmdc, 20mm Reference: Albert...... Nondug button. For sale... $100. |
B7071... New York button, state seal, eagle over globe with "Excelsior", one part flat, I MOORE & CO / TREBLE GILT STANDARD COLR, rm, 23mm Reference: Albert Nondug button. For sale... $125. |
B7072... New York button, state seal, eagle over globe with "Excelsior", one part flat, TREBLE PLATED / LONDON, dm, 22mm Reference: Albert Nondug button, silvered. For sale... $75. |
B7074... Pennsylvania button, state seal, horses with symbols of agriculture and commerce, three part officer, SUPERIOR / QUALITY dm between rings, 23mm Reference: Albert PA18. Nondug button. For sale... $200. |
B7077... Maine button, state seal husbandman and seaman with white pine, three part officer, SCOVILL MFG CO / WATERBURY dm between rings, 22mm Reference: Albert ME1. Nondug button... For sale... $100. |
B7084... Massachusetts regimental button, Independent Cadets, one part flat, Independence Cadets rm, 22mm Reference: Albert MS26, Tice MS200. Nondug button. For sale... $150. |
B7085... Massachusetts button, state seal arm and sword, one part low convex, Kendrick & Co Waterbury rm rose gold, 19mm Reference: Albert MS33. Nondug button. For sale... $100. |
B7087... Massachusetts button, state seal arm and sword, three part officer, R&W ROBINSON / ATTLEBOROUGH MASS/ MAKERS dm, 22mm Reference: Albert MS35. Nondug button. For sale... $50. |
B7088... Massachusetts button, state seal arm and sword, three part officer, R&W ROBINSON / ATTLEBOROUGH MASS/ MAKERS dm, 22mm Nondug button, silvered, Albert MS35. Nondug button, silvered. For sale... $75. |
B7089... Massachusetts button, state seal arm and sword, three part officer, WATERBURY BUTTON CO / EXTRA, dm, 22mm Reference: Albert MS35. Nondug button. For sale... $35. |
B7091... Massachusetts button, state seal arm and sword, three part officer, EXTRA / QUALITY dm between rings by Scovill, 22mm Reference: Albert MS35. Nondug button. For sale... $25. |
B7093... Massachusetts regimental button, New England Guard, R&W ROBINSON on a ribbon, dm, 21mm Reference: Albert MS76.. Nondug button. For sale... $75. |
B7094... Massachusetts regimental button, National Lancers, one part very low convex, ROBINSONS / EXTRA RICH rm, 22mm Reference: Albert MS73. Nondug button. For sale... $50. |
B7096... Maine button, north star, one part flat, R&W ROBINSON / ATTLEBOROUGH / EXTRA RICH rm, 21mm Reference: Albert ME4. Nondug button. For sale... $100. |
B7097... New York regimental button, New York Light Guard, R&W ROBINSON / EXTRA RICH dm, 23mm Reference: Albert NY78, Tice NY256. Nondug button. For sale... $225. |
B7100... New York regimental button, Militia 13th regiment, SCOVILL MG CO / WATERBURY, rmdc , 23mm Reference: Albert NY49, Tice NY230. Nondug button. For sale... $150. |
B7102... Massachusetts regimental button, Militia 4th Regiment Volunteers, , R&W ROBINSON / EXTRA RICH dm, 23mm. Reference: Albert MS42, Tice MS216. Nondug button. For sale... $350. |
B7115... Confederate general service button, "CSA", one part cast, Confederate wartime manufacture, 22mm Nondug button. For sale... $600. |
B7117... Confederate artillery button, lined "A", English wartime manufacture, "SUPERIOR QUALITY / (dot) " dm 22.7mm Nondug button. For sale... $400. |
B7119... Confederate cavalry button, lined "C" on plain background with border, English wartime manufacture, plain back, 22.7mm Nondug button. For sale... $450. |
B7120... Confederate engineer button, Germanic "E" on plain background high convex with border, English import, "VAN WART (dot) SON & Co.. (star)" dm, 25.8mm Nondug button. For sale... $350. |
B7124... Confederate infantry button, manuscript "I", English wartime manufacture, "HALFMANN & TAYLOR / (dot) MONTGOMERY (dot)" dm, 22.5mm Nondug button. For sale... $275. |
B7125... Confederate infantry button, block "I" on plain background with border, Confederate wartime manufacture, one piece cast brass or copper, concave back with shank on a pedestal, 22.5mm Nondug button. For sale.....Sold. |
B7127... Confederate rifleman button, Germanic "R" on plain background high convex with border, English import, "VAN WART (dot) SON & Co.. (star)" dm, 26mm Nondug button. For sale... $350. |
B7137…Wisconsin state seal button, shield with a badger, officer staff, "WATERBURY BUTTON CO. / (star) EXTRA (star)" dm, 23mm. Dug button. Recovered: Shenandoah Valley Virginia. For sale..............$175. |
B7167... New Hampshire button, state seal sailing ship, "SCOVILL MF'G. CO. / (dot) WATERBURY. (dot)" rmdc, 23mm Nondug button. For sale... $85. |
B7183... Federal artillery button, eagle with "A", "SCOVILL MF'G CO. / (dot) WATERBURY. (dot) " dm between rings of dots, 22.3mm Button depicts eagle facing right with "A" in the shield, generally for artillery officers. Backmark: "SCOVILL MF'G CO. / (dot) WATERBURY. (dot) " dm between rings of dots ca 1860's, (ScovillM330). Two part convex> button, large coat size. Reference: Albert AY78 / 79, Tice AY215A66. Nondug button. For sale... $75. |
B7184... Maine button, state seal husbandman and seaman with white pine, officer staff, "SCOVILL MF'G CO, / WATERBURY." dm between two rings of dots, 22.2mm Nondug button. For sale... $75. |
B7190... Virginia button, state seal Virtus slaying the tyrant with sword up, high convex, "WM. H. SMITH & CO / (dot) NEW - YORK (dot) " rmdc, 22.3mm Nondug button. For sale... $375. |
B7199... Federal artillery button, eagle with "A", Horstmann & Sons, PHI, (15.5mm). Button depicts eagle facing right with "A" in the shield, generally forartillery officers. Backmark: "HORSTMANN & SONS. / (dot) PHI (dot)" rmdc, probably made by Steele & Johnson, 1850's, (HorstmannS13small). Two part convex button, hat or sleeve size. Reference: Albert AY78 / 79, Tice AY215. Nondug button. For sale... $100. |
More sale listings page 4 items B7200 to end, click: Sale listings page 1items to B2999, click: Sale listings page 2 items B3000 to B6999, click: Sale listings page 3 items B7000 to B7199, click: Sale listings page 4 items B7200 to end, click: |
Ridgeway Civil War Research Center, A virtual examination of artifacts of the American Civil War Buttons Research center, buttons, click: Research center, buttons, click: |
Ridgeway Civil War Research Center, A virtual examination of artifacts of the American Civil War Button backmarks. Research center, button backmarks, click: Research center, button backmarks, click: |