Civil War Relicman
Harry Ridgeway
Winchester, Virginia USA (changed hands 70 times in the Civil War!)
authentic Civil War relics, bought and sold.

Civil War buttons, Relicman sales catalog. page 3

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All items listed are guaranteed authentic to the Civil War or as otherwise described.
Any excavated relics have been recovered from private property with owners permission.
Any artillery or ordnance relics have been disarmed and rendered safe.
All weapons are pre 1898 antique weapons, and are exempt from Federal regulation, no licenses or permits are required.

B7000... Connecticut school button, Episcopal Academy of Cheshire, "EAC" 1796, three part officer, EXTRA / QUALITY, dm, (14.6mm). School was a Christian school and began a cadet program in 1862 that was short lived. Reference: Albert SU102, Tice CTS281As2.

Nondug button.
For sale... $75.

B7001... Massachusetts cadet button, Masschusetts Institute of Technology, three part officer, WATERBURY BUTTON CO, dm, (14.7mm). MIT began a cadet program in 1860's. Reference: Albert SU244, Tice MSS395As1.

Nondug button.
For sale... $50.

B7018... Federal artillery button, eagle with "A", SCOVILLS & CO / WATERBURY rmdc, 19mm. Reference: Albert AY74A.

Nondug button.
For sale... $75.

B7019... Federal artillery button, eagle with "A", R&W ROBINSON / EXTRA RICH dm, 23mm. Reference: Albert

Nondug button.
For sale... $100.

B7020... Federal artillery button, eagle with "A", SCHUYLER H & G / NEW YORK rmdc, 22mm. Reference: Albert

Nondug button.
For sale... $100.

B7021... Federal artillery button, eagle with "A", SCHUYLER H & G / NEW YORK rmdc, 22mm.

Nondug button.
For sale... $100.

B7023... Federal cavalry button, eagle with "C", "D. EVANS & CO / (star) ATTLEBORO (star) MASS (star)" dm, (22.5mm). Button depicts eagle facing right with "C" in the shield, generally for cavalry officers. Backmark: "D. EVANS & CO / (star) ATTLEBORO (star) MASS (star)" dm, ca 1850's to 1865, (Evans D.100). Two part convex button, large coat size.
Button.1.Federal.30.Cavalry.Evans D.100., (22.5mm). Reference: Albert CV1, Tice CV215.

Nondug button.
For sale... $75.

B7039... Federal general service button, great coat button, eagle with "US", arrows pointed left, flat two part button, UNITED / STATES, rm, 20mm Reference: Albert GI70B.

Nondug button.
For sale... $100.

B7048... Federal officer staff button, eagle with shield, four arrows, three part officer, HORSTMANN & ALLIEN / NY dm, 22mm Reference: Albertt GS13B.

Nondug button.
For sale... $50.

B7054... Federal engineer button, eagle with "Essayons", fort and rising sun, HORSTMANN & ALLIEN / NY , rmdc, 22mm Reference: Albert EG6.

Nondug button.
For sale... $200.

B7068... New York button, New York State Artillery, National Guard, HORSTMANN BRO & ALLIEN / Y, rmdc, 20mm Reference: Albert......

Nondug button.
For sale... $100.

B7071... New York button, state seal, eagle over globe with "Excelsior", one part flat, I MOORE & CO / TREBLE GILT STANDARD COLR, rm, 23mm Reference: Albert

Nondug button.
For sale... $125.

B7072... New York button, state seal, eagle over globe with "Excelsior", one part flat, TREBLE PLATED / LONDON, dm, 22mm Reference: Albert

Nondug button, silvered.
For sale... $75.

B7074... Pennsylvania button, state seal, horses with symbols of agriculture and commerce, three part officer, SUPERIOR / QUALITY dm between rings, 23mm Reference: Albert PA18.

Nondug button.
For sale... $200.

B7077... Maine button, state seal husbandman and seaman with white pine, three part officer, SCOVILL MFG CO / WATERBURY dm between rings, 22mm Reference: Albert ME1.

Nondug button...
For sale... $100.

B7084... Massachusetts regimental button, Independent Cadets, one part flat, Independence Cadets rm, 22mm Reference: Albert MS26, Tice MS200.

Nondug button.
For sale... $150.

B7085... Massachusetts button, state seal arm and sword, one part low convex, Kendrick & Co Waterbury rm rose gold, 19mm Reference: Albert MS33.

Nondug button.
For sale... $100.

B7087... Massachusetts button, state seal arm and sword, three part officer, R&W ROBINSON / ATTLEBOROUGH MASS/ MAKERS dm, 22mm Reference: Albert MS35.

Nondug button.
For sale... $50.

B7088... Massachusetts button, state seal arm and sword, three part officer, R&W ROBINSON / ATTLEBOROUGH MASS/ MAKERS dm, 22mm
Nondug button, silvered, Albert MS35.

Nondug button, silvered.
For sale... $75.

B7089... Massachusetts button, state seal arm and sword, three part officer, WATERBURY BUTTON CO / EXTRA, dm, 22mm Reference: Albert MS35.

Nondug button.
For sale... $35.

B7091... Massachusetts button, state seal arm and sword, three part officer, EXTRA / QUALITY dm between rings by Scovill, 22mm Reference: Albert MS35.

Nondug button.
For sale... $25.

B7093... Massachusetts regimental button, New England Guard, R&W ROBINSON on a ribbon, dm, 21mm Reference: Albert MS76..

Nondug button.
For sale... $75.

B7094... Massachusetts regimental button, National Lancers, one part very low convex, ROBINSONS / EXTRA RICH rm, 22mm Reference: Albert MS73.

Nondug button.
For sale... $50.

B7096... Maine button, north star, one part flat, R&W ROBINSON / ATTLEBOROUGH / EXTRA RICH rm, 21mm Reference: Albert ME4.

Nondug button.
For sale... $100.

B7097... New York regimental button, New York Light Guard, R&W ROBINSON / EXTRA RICH dm, 23mm Reference: Albert NY78, Tice NY256.

Nondug button.
For sale... $225.

B7100... New York regimental button, Militia 13th regiment, SCOVILL MG CO / WATERBURY, rmdc , 23mm Reference: Albert NY49, Tice NY230.

Nondug button.
For sale... $150.

B7102... Massachusetts regimental button, Militia 4th Regiment Volunteers, , R&W ROBINSON / EXTRA RICH dm, 23mm. Reference: Albert MS42, Tice MS216.

Nondug button.
For sale... $350.

B7115... Confederate general service button, "CSA", one part cast, Confederate wartime manufacture, 22mm

Nondug button.
For sale... $600.

B7117... Confederate artillery button, lined "A", English wartime manufacture, "SUPERIOR QUALITY / (dot) " dm 22.7mm

Nondug button.
For sale... $400.

B7119... Confederate cavalry button, lined "C" on plain background with border, English wartime manufacture, plain back, 22.7mm

Nondug button.
For sale... $450.

B7120... Confederate engineer button, Germanic "E" on plain background high convex with border, English import, "VAN WART (dot) SON & Co.. (star)" dm, 25.8mm

Nondug button.
For sale... $350.

B7124... Confederate infantry button, manuscript "I", English wartime manufacture, "HALFMANN & TAYLOR / (dot) MONTGOMERY (dot)" dm, 22.5mm

Nondug button.
For sale... $275.

B7125... Confederate infantry button, block "I" on plain background with border, Confederate wartime manufacture, one piece cast brass or copper, concave back with shank on a pedestal, 22.5mm

Nondug button.
For sale.....Sold.

B7127... Confederate rifleman button, Germanic "R" on plain background high convex with border, English import, "VAN WART (dot) SON & Co.. (star)" dm, 26mm

Nondug button.
For sale... $350.

B7137Wisconsin state seal button, shield with a badger, officer staff, "WATERBURY BUTTON CO. / (star) EXTRA (star)" dm, 23mm.

Dug button. Recovered: Shenandoah Valley Virginia.
For sale..............$175.

B7167... New Hampshire button, state seal sailing ship, "SCOVILL MF'G. CO. / (dot) WATERBURY. (dot)" rmdc, 23mm

Nondug button.
For sale... $85.

B7183... Federal artillery button, eagle with "A", "SCOVILL MF'G CO. / (dot) WATERBURY. (dot) " dm between rings of dots, 22.3mm
Button depicts eagle facing right with "A" in the shield, generally for artillery officers. Backmark: "SCOVILL MF'G CO. / (dot) WATERBURY. (dot) " dm between rings of dots ca 1860's, (ScovillM330). Two part convex> button, large coat size. Reference: Albert AY78 / 79, Tice AY215A66.

Nondug button.
For sale... $75.

B7184... Maine button, state seal husbandman and seaman with white pine, officer staff, "SCOVILL MF'G CO, / WATERBURY." dm between two rings of dots, 22.2mm

Nondug button.
For sale... $75.

B7190... Virginia button, state seal Virtus slaying the tyrant with sword up, high convex, "WM. H. SMITH & CO / (dot) NEW - YORK (dot) " rmdc, 22.3mm

Nondug button.
For sale... $375.

B7199... Federal artillery button, eagle with "A", Horstmann & Sons, PHI, (15.5mm).
Button depicts eagle facing right with "A" in the shield, generally forartillery officers. Backmark: "HORSTMANN & SONS. / (dot) PHI (dot)" rmdc, probably made by Steele & Johnson, 1850's, (HorstmannS13small). Two part convex button, hat or sleeve size. Reference: Albert AY78 / 79, Tice AY215.

Nondug button.
For sale... $100.

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