Fakes, reproductions, replicas,
an investigative report, by Harry Ridgeway 

Fakes, reproductions, replicas,

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FP0731     CSA Bannerman altered to pass as a fake
P0731.jpg (30879 bytes)
Measures 46.4mm to 46.8mm (plate is not square X  x 67.5mm
This CSA plate is believed to have been made by Bannerman originally. Along the way, the hooks were cut down and the plate was artificially aged to give it this  nice green patina. Then it was sold on eFake and a novice collector (now a knowledgeable collector, but slightly poorer for the experience) bought it and paid full value for it.  

Editor note:  Plate was given to me by the collector who absorbed this plate to use to educate people so here it is!  I also carry this around to shows, ask to see my fakes box sometime, this one and a bunch of others now on this fakes page are in my box of il repute.